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Citizens’ Committee Welcomes North Long Beach Advocate, Parent

Citizens’ Committee Welcomes North Long Beach Advocate, Parent

With deep ties to North Long Beach and a passion for serving its residents, Raul Nario joins the Citizens’ Oversight Committee (COC).

Nario co-founded Puente Latino Association in 2019, a nonprofit that brings cultural events, art programs and community beautification projects to North Long Beach. Through his work with the Coalition for a Healthy North Long Beach, Nario helped arrange for LBUSD and other local students to paint a mural that stretches across four walls near Jordan High School.

The longtime North Long Beach resident serves on the parent-teacher association at Jordan, where two of his five children attend.

“My oldest son graduated from Jordan just as the school’s transformation was beginning,” said Nario. “Another son is currently enrolled in Jordan’s Architecture, Construction and Engineering (ACE) pathway. He enjoys learning in the new ACE building’s incredible labs.”

The COC is made up of seven individuals appointed by LBUSD’s Board of Education. Each COC member represents the community-at-large or a parents', senior citizens' or taxpayers' group. The COC meets up to six times a year, and its members can serve a maximum of three consecutive, two-year terms.

As an independent committee, the COC is charged with reviewing the District’s Measure K and Measure E expenditures and developing an annual report to the District’s Board. The COC will also oversee spending for LBUSD’s proposed bond measure, Measure Q, should the measure pass with at least a 55% yes vote this November.

LBUSD’s bond program has received the highest rating for financial accountability and performance from independent auditors for nine consecutive years.

“I look forward to serving in the COC and helping more in my community understand the work of the District’s bond program,” said Nario.